PAUSE Tasmanian Photography Book News, Events and Updates

PAUSE is now available to purchase
Where can I buy the Tasmanian photography book PAUSE?
- You can purchase PAUSE here right now!
- Look for - and ask for - PAUSE at your favourite bookshop
- PAUSE will be available at some of Hobart's favourite markets.
For distribution enquiries, please contact Blackgum Distributors.
PAUSE 2018-19 Market Stalls

PAUSE Official Launch
PAUSE book launch - Thanks to all who came along and made it such a wonderful event!
It would be our pleasure for you to join us to officially launch PAUSE. See below for details - please email Paul if you intend to attend (for catering purposes) or join the Facebook event.
Date: Sunday 13th November 2016
Time: 2:30pm
Location: Shene Estate and Distillery, Pontville, Tasmania
Special guest - and writer of PAUSE's foreword - Bob Brown will officially launch PAUSE.
PAUSE will be available for sale - and signed if you wish.
Gin bar available - Shene creates the beautiful Poltergeist gin!

PAUSE Project Timeline
October 2018
The first re-print of PAUSE! Thanks to ongoing support, the first print run sold out. For the first re-print, the cover of PAUSE was given a refresh and updated look.
August 2019
Paul attended his 200th market day with PAUSE!
10 March 2018
Paul attended his 100th market day with PAUSE. That's a huge effort since launching the book only 484 days before!
4 November 2017
Paul attended his 50th market day since launching PAUSE!
24 October 2016
PAUSE is now available for purchase!
145 books have been posted to the Pozible supporters - without them this book would not have been possible! Thank you all for your support and encouragement during this exciting project!
23 October 2016
HUGE NEWS! The first print run of books has arrived!
Books are now being signed, wrapped and prepared for posting to reward pledgers and pre-orders.
Public sales to open later this week!
5 October 2016
PAUSE is en-route to Tasmania, with delivery still on track and on-time.
Final payment for PAUSE made!
Book launch is pencilled in for early November, in Hobart. Details to come.
21 August 2016
Pre-Ordering of PAUSE now available via pauldfleming.com. Delivery is expected ASAP after Pozible orders are fulfilled - see current expected delivery times above.
19 August 2016
Huge day for PAUSE!
- Proofs approved
- Deposit paid for printing
- Confirmation that PAUSE ticked all the boxed for Arts Tasmania's additional funding from the Minister for the Arts.
PAUSE is now in the hands of the printers. Delivery is expected late October.
16 August 2016
PAUSE print files sent to the printers. Proofs need to be made and approved.
15 August 2016
Purchase order for 2,000 copies of PAUSE sent to the printer.
25 July 2016
The Pozible campaign ends - with an overwhelmingly generous boost from pledgers: PAUSE raised an additional $3,086!
Total raised: $11,586.
In all, 146 individuals supported PAUSE, from a pledge of $5 to $2,000 and a range of rewards chosen.
I want to thank the following businesses for supporting the campaign with rewards:
- MONA Musuem of Old and New Art
22 July 2016
The Pozible goal of $8,500 is reached - three days ahead of the campain end! That's a huge vote of confidence and shows the level of support and interest in PAUSE.
19 July 2016
PAUSE gets edited by the talented Jennifer Ennion.
8 July 2016
Working with a local graphic designer, the layout of PAUSE becomes a reality - printing a book is nothing like printing some photos at home!
3 July 2016
The Pozible crowdfunding campaign for PAUSE launched - goal $8,500. Campaign will end 25 July 2016. You can see the campaign here.
June 2016
Various behind-the-scenes actions happening, including:
- Applying for Arts Tasmania's Crowbar crowdfunding assistance.
- Researching, desiging, writing and planning the Pozible campaign.
- Indecision about whether PAUSE should be 100 pages, not 80.
- Major edit by me to refine the 'moments' in PAUSE.
On a personal note, both myself and Justin (my husband) each farewelled family members. May Christine (my aunt) and Zachary (Justin's nephew) rest in peace.
20 May 2016
PAUSE gets edited by esteemed Tasmanian writer Alice Hansen.
17 May 2016
Printing company chosen for PAUSE. Quotes were requested from Tasmanian and overseas printers. Based on price and quality, 1010 Printing in Hong Kong was selected as preferred printer.
PAUSE will be 80 pages, full colour, hardback, 8.5in x 11in.
2 May 2016
Mock-up draft version of PAUSE in hardcover received - first look at what the real books might be like.
January-July 2016
PAUSE is to take the format of a collection of my Tasmanian photos, paired with some prose I am writing especially for the book.
The 32 'moments' of prose in PAUSE were written over six months; each are a peice of creative story-telling which draw a reader deeper into the images using emotive and transportive writing.
The dreams and ideas for PAUSE, and what format it may take, begin to be nurtered. A simple coffee table book of Tasmanian images, or something more that resonates stronger with my own personality and passion for the island?